Holy crap, it’s me in the tub!

yes nude, but there's no nudity

Here it is, time for „hello, germany“ on the road again. Follow me around, this time in Saarbrücken, you get to learn what Saarbrücken is, why I’m there, what 4 different types of comedy gigs there are for a professional comedian in Germany and in the end, I’m showing you everything while I’m relaxing in the tub. Everything.




This video is from my english youtube channel, if you liked it, please spare a few seconds to subscribe to my channel on youtube and leave a thumbs up and a comment, thank you very much!


  1. Carmen

    I was hoping that you show us more of your trip to London and Paris. But that was also nice 🙂

    • Manuel Wolff

      There will be at least two more videos of my enfland trip coming up!

      • Carmen

        Uuh, that’s great! 🙂

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