Germans complain all the time – Good Morning, Germany! (ep. 2)

Ein Becher Kaffee, frisch gebrüht

Good Morning! Today I want to complain – because you english guys spell Wednesday Wednesday and not Wendsday, even though it sounds like Wendsday. And it is hard to get up in the morning. See? There, i did it again, we germans complain all the time. We say „Früher war alles besser“, even though it just isn’t true. Everything gets better in the future. As you can see, once a week this videoblog is in english. Enjoy.

Here’s today’s episode of „Good Morning, Germany!“ – Have fun:

Today’s „Coffee is so cool“: „Coffee is so cool like the referee not counting an obvious goal of the opposing team“ – if you have suggestions, for other comparisons, please post a comment or write an e-mail:

My Youtube-Channel (please subscribe, even though it is mostly german!)

click here for „Good Morning, Germany!“ – All episodes


  1. Nessi

    Da ich überhaupt keinen Kaffee mag und trinke, muß ich den Satz etwas umformulieren und mache daraus einfach: Kakao ist so geil, wie wenn ich auf einem riesengroßen Trampolin bis in den Himmel springe! 😉

  2. ui.

    And in english that would be?

  3. Katrin

    sky or heaven, that depends :p

    @Nessi: Und ganz oben aber dann nen Salto, oder?
    Na, ich hoffe mal, du stößt nicht mit einem Flugzeug oder einer Graugans oder so zusammen. Na, die würden kucken…

    Mal ne andere Frage: Mag hier eigentlich überhaupt sonst noch jemand Kaffee?

  4. ui.

    what? english please.

  5. Katrin

    Coffee is so cool as if superman was flying on an morning stroll and Vanessa was hopping and doing somersaults on her gigantic trampoline and popping up right in front of him and he is so surprised that he looses his flight skills and nosedives straight into Manuel´s coffee mug. Splash.

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