Falling in Love with Carrie Fletcher!

london report part 2 of 2

Alright, a new episode „hello, germany!“ … the long awaited second part of my report from my trip through europe (click here for the first part). In this part I will tell you the conclusion of me falling in love with Carrie Hope Fletcher of ItsWayPastMyBedTime Youtube Fame, who was playing eponine in the Londom Westend production of Les Miserables.

Now before you guys (and especially you single ladies) get worried: No, of course I didn’t really fall in love with her. i only saw her on stage playing a role from several feet away. One shouldn’t fall in love with a theatre role, one should fall in love with real people. And not before having talked with them, obviously. But it sounds good, doesn’t it? And maybe she wants to marry me nevertheless.

Now enough with the kidding, on with the video:



Of course, you might also want to see part 1, here:


and a little follow around, where I show you a bit to much, yes, I’m in the tub at the end, no, you won’t see anything, no, it’s not NSFW and obviously it’s neither Carrie Fletcher nude nor Carrie Hope Fletcher naked (I had to get that in, for the suckers who abuse google for the dearch for dirty pics).

This is all of course from my youtube channel „hello, germany!“ and it would be so great, if you leave a comment here or subscribe & comment on youtube! And if you want to stay in contact, add me on facebook.

1 Comment

  1. Carmen

    Lives still someone of the past in the house where you have lived as a child? Has anything changed since you moved there away?

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