Schlagwort: hello (Page 1 of 2)

30,000 views! Juchhu!


Auf meinem englischen Youtubekanal „hello, germany!“ hat jetzt mein erstes Video die 30.000 geknackt! Das ist ein Grund zum Feiern! Wer mir in einem Kommentar hier gratuliert und mich beglückwünscht, ist ein guter Mensch, wer es nicht tut, der sei verflucht!

hier ist jedenfalls das Video, ein Auftritt aus London und mit Eurer Hilfe schaffen wir es bestimmt auch auf 50.000, also teilt das Video bitte mit euren Freunden und in den social media Netzen! Danke!



Also, wer hat noch nicht, wer will noch mal: Kanal abonnieren, Kommentare schreiben, liken und vor allem: teilen, teilen, teilen! Danke! 🙂

Eating Ice Cream in Cologne! (with Michael nevertheless)

icecream in germany with michael part 1

You might not know, but italian ice cream parlours are very big in Germany. You get amazingly good ice cream, way better than anything I’ve tasted in the US or UK or anywhere else, even Italy! My favorite Gelateria is in Cologne, so I went there ona nice day, and I brought along crowd favorite, Michael. Enjoy part one here, and click here for part 2.

Follow me around:




This video is definitely from my wicked Youtube channel „hello, germany!“, which you can subscribe to here.

World Peace – How it’s done

how world peace can be achieved

Time for another episode of „hello, germany!“ and this time we tackle the seemingly impossible task of achieving world peace. But call me crazy, it can be done and it starts with you!




People from Earth! Today is World Peace Day! And congratulations, everywhere it’s peaceful! Well no, it isn’t, everywhere there’s a crisis, and wars, so a world peace day sounds a bit cynical, but – don’t give up hope, I’m here to tell you that World Peace can and will be reached!

Now jst to clear up, in Germany September 1st ist „Weltfriedenstag„, the „International day of peace“ is September 21st. Oh well, does it matter? Every day is world peace day!

Now I sound like a nutter, but I’m not. Well I might be, but there’s a slight chance that I might not be talking complete bullshit, so you might as well believe me, because… well, World Peace!

It’s actually quite easy. err, It’s actually quite easy to get frustrated, when you look at the situation the world is in, but there’s something you can do and have to do.

Step 1, and this will hopefully calm you, is the realization that you yourself alone probably won’t be able to bring peace to the planet. But that’s good, because it takes a lot of pressure from your shoulders. You yourself will definitely not change much, so it’s totally okay to at least try a little bit, it won’T hurt and it won’t hurt, if you don’t succeed.

Hear me out, step 2 is that you have to realize, that World Peace sounds like an utopia that will never happen, but that’s not true. World Peace is possible and it will happen, yes, it is unavoidable. Now the sad thing is, it won’t happen in your lifetime, it will take thousands of years, possibly even a million, there’s tons of tiny steps necessary, millions of million steps necessary until we are society without wars.

But the good thing is, there are 8 billion people on this earth, so if at least some try to work towards world peace, it will happen sometime. Now you might thing, what’s in it for you, if you won’t ever see it happen? Well, you did something good for future generations! And apart from that, you’ll just feel better. Here’S what you do, and trust me this works:

Start with yourself. When you walk around the street and you see someone passing by, smile at him. We rarely do, but just try it! You know what will happen? The person you are smiling at, will probably smile back. Most of the time! And he will feel better and you will feel better. And together you did a tiny tiny little step towards world wide peace. Yes, it sounds crazy, because there are a trillion times a million more steps needed, but you did something and you made your own life and that of another person better and you should feel great!

Of course there also might be the occasional grumpy bugger that doesn’t smile back, but don’t worry, he will die! Some day, so that’s okay. Or he just had a bad day, but at least you smiled. And you know what? Even if nobody smiles at you, you will still feel better. Try, go to a mirror and look at yourself and smile. There’s nothing that can stop you from feeling better, if you smile. Because that’s what smiling is!

Now if you want to take it a step further, simply do some nice things. Say „thank you“ and „please“, hold open a door, leave a nice comment on youtube, anything, may it be as small and worthless as you can imagine, if you do something good, no matter if the person deserves it or not or doesn’t even take notice, it will make the world just a little tiny bit better.

And if it doesn’t, at least it won’t make it worse, so it’s worth a try.

Except, if you’re a lazy grumpy bugger, but then I have news for you: You will die.

This is from my Youtube channel „hello, germany!“, if you have a Youtube account, I would be thrilled, if you subscribe to the channel, leave some comments and share some videos with your friends. And even if you don’t have a youtube account you can use the buttons below, to spread my stuff around. Thank you so much!

Beautiful performance of „Gabriellas song“!

gabriellas song

For a change of pace, I present you a beautiful document from the archives, it’s the wonderful Lena Inter singing a brilliant rendition of the phenomenal song „Gabriella’s Song“ (or Gabrielas Sang) with me on the piano. Simply listen and get goosebumps:




If you liked that, it would be amazing of you to leave a comment here in this blog, as a little thank you.

This is an episode of „hello, germany!“, my youtube-channel, which you can find and subscribe to, here.

And of course, it would be wonderful, if you use the social media buttons below, to share this with your friends.

Holy crap, it’s me in the tub!

yes nude, but there's no nudity

Here it is, time for „hello, germany“ on the road again. Follow me around, this time in Saarbrücken, you get to learn what Saarbrücken is, why I’m there, what 4 different types of comedy gigs there are for a professional comedian in Germany and in the end, I’m showing you everything while I’m relaxing in the tub. Everything.




This video is from my english youtube channel, if you liked it, please spare a few seconds to subscribe to my channel on youtube and leave a thumbs up and a comment, thank you very much!

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