Schlagwort: german (Page 2 of 4)

German comedian ad libbing on teachers, toilets, trains & Brits!

german comedian

Here’s more from Manuel Wolff’s performance at the international comedy night in Heidelberg. Find out what happens, when a mobile phone rings in the audience, why teachers are dumber than their students, a lot of stuff about toilets and trains and toilets on trains and adlibbing about polite british people.



This video is from „hello, germany!“ a channel on youtube which I can recommend subscribing for free. Do it and leave a comment and give thumbs up!

More from that performance:

german comedian kills giraffes

german comedian: SEX TOYS, HITLER JOKE reactions

How do you like those? Leave a comment!

german comedian riffing in Heidelberg

riffing on hitler joke reactions and sex toys

Here’s a clip from my performance at the International Comedy Night in Heidelberg. I was headlining the show, unfortunately low attendance, but we all had a great time!


I’m riffing on teachers, typical german joke reactions (like Hitler and stuff) and then I pull out the toys, that help you cope when you lost your girlfriend. Enjoy the video and see below for more english comedy dates:

For german info and dates, check out my homepage

English performances can be caught in Maastricht, Paris and London in May:

May 8th: International Comedy Night in Maastricht
May 9th: New York Comedy Night in Paris
May 11th: Angel Comedy in London
May 12th: Comedy Bin at the Hideaway & Bare Jokes, London
May 13th: Dirty Dicks, London
May 14th: Touching Cloth – Downstairs @ The Water Poet, London

If google can’t help you find info on theses Shows and locations, drop me a comment, and I’ll gladly help you out, so you can see me perform and invite me to a drink.


This clip of german comedian Manuel Wolff is part of my youtube channel „hello, germany!“ – You’d make me happy, if you check it out and also leave a comment there and maybe even subscribe for free!

new youtube channel: „hello, germany!“ – check it out!

hello germany youtube channel logo

Check out the TRAILER for the new english language channel about everything and nothing german. This is „hello, germany!“

This is the new channel from Manuel Wolff, a german stand up comedian. You’ll find a vlog, where he answers your questions and speaks the truth and nothing but the truth, talks about germany, germany’s view of the world, the world’s view of germany and anything that crosses his mind. You’ll also find performances from his quest to do stand up comedy in english. As it is known that germans are the least funny people in the world, it is a hard task, but he is determined. And lastly, you will find a few follow-me-around videos, whenever he just takes his camera with him, to film his boring life.


So you should definitely check it out! And subscribe to the channel and comment and share his videos and give thumbs up, if you like the stuff. Spread the love.

Also check out „hello, germany!“ on Twitter, Google+ and

„Hello, germany!“ is here to answer your questions!

A german answers your questions about germans, germany and everything else!

A german answers questions

It’S time for another vlog in english! This time I’ll answer the first view questions. Now, before you enjoy the clip, please subscribe to the youtube channel „hello, germany!“ for free! And also, put the Google+ „hello, germany!“ page in your circles, it’s worth it!

And then spread the word!

The questions:

„I love your videos; I think they are hilarious. Also, your english is very good, where/how did you learn?“


„Compared to German, do you think English is a easier or harder language to learn? I know a bit, but wish to learn more German! :)“

Learn English with Ricky Gervais, german subtitles


Einer der großartigsten und bekanntesten Comedians der Welt, Ricky Gervais hat mit seinem Freund Karl Pilkington mit „Learn englisch with Ricky Gervais“ ein lustiges (na ja) Video gedreht und Youtuber weltweit aufgefordert, Untertitel in ihre Sprache hinzuzufügen. Ich nahm die Herausforderung an, das Ergebnis ist allerdings sicher anders als erwartet. So macht es aber Spaß:

Hier ist

Learn english with Ricky Gervais, deutsche Untertitel

Und wenn Euch der Beitrag gefallen hat, gebt bitte etwas Props und Love zurück, in dem ihr:

meinen Youtube-Kanal abonniert.

– Das Video auf Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, etc. weiterverbreitet.


How to make love with a german comedian

on a piano – the love song

German Stand-Up Comedian Manuel Wolff performs in english at the international comedy night in Maastricht, Netherlands.

This time improv – a love duet with a volunteer from the audience.

check the german homepage.

Here’s the backstory: Mr. Johnny Hollywood has an english comedy show in Cologne and I feel very blessed that he once asked me to perform in english at his show – what a crazy idea! I was thrilled – I usually perform in german, but since all the comedy I watch is english (because imho english comedy is better), so I thought „why not?“.

You can watch my first performance here and again I feel very blessed that that video kinda went viral and already has over 230,000 views.

I plan to perform more often in english, so if anybody wants to book me, anywhere in the world, contact me at

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