Good Morning! As promised, every Wednesday this daily videoblog will be in english. Why? I don’t know, i forgot. Just for fun. It’s a challenge for me. As if getting up in the morning isn’t a big enough challenge already. Especially after last night. That’s why I‘, already late on our first date. But don’t think that this has to be funny, even though I’m a comedian! Have you ever seen a comedian perform in the morning? Well have you ever seen a Comedian perform well in the morning? See, I thought so.
Here’s today’s episode of „Good Morning, Germany!“ – Have fun:
Today’s „Coffee is so cool“: „Coffee is so cool like David Hasselhoff reunifying Germany by singing his song „I’ve been looking for Freedom“, standing at the Berlin Wallon top of his speaking – but not singing – car“ – if you have suggestions, for other comparisons, please post a comment or write an e-mail:
My Youtube-Channel (please subscribe, even though it is mostly german!)
or the „Good Morning, Germany“-Playlist with all episodes so far (well that’s only one)
Good Morning, Germany! – All episodes so far
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